Voyage, Seafaring & Shipbuilding in Greece – Antiquity to Modern Times

Cyprus Port Authority, Limassol, Cyprus
October 10, 2017 – November 5, 2017
October 10, 2017 – November 5, 2017

The Cyprus Port Authority presents the exhibition “VOYAGE. SEAFARING AND SHIPBUILDING IN GREECE FROM ANTIQUITY TO MODERN TIMES” from October 10th until November 5th in the exhibition place of the Old Port of Limassol.

It is a history of maritime voyages, achievements in naval architecture as well as an exchange of ideas and technological developments, presented through handmade wooden models of Greek ships which date from prehistoric times to the middle of the 20th century. The exhibits, of remarkable size and excellent detailed construction, combined with the professionally designed presentation, offer the visitors the possibility to study the models at their leisure and in depth, and thus better understand the development of Greek shipbuilding. Maps, video projections and other material further complement the presentation, aiming to help the visitors understand the subject and goal of the exhibition by creating the appropriate museum environment.

The exhibition is enriched through a contemporary model of the Antikythera Mechanism and a focus on the century of research during which scientists have tried to understand it. Through explanatory texts, drawings and photographs, the exhibition aims to present the study of the most complicated mechanism of antiquity (2nd-1st cent. BC) as well as showcase the advanced scientific knowledge, mathematical – technological achievements and most importantly, the innovative spirit of the ancient Greeks.

The goal of the exhibition is to present to the visitors, in a coherent and comprehensible manner, the history of Greek seafaring and shipbuilding, giving them a chance to take a mental trip back in time to discover the close and timeless relationship of the Greek people with the sea.

Creator of shipmodels:
Dimitris Maras, M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering and Microshipbuilder

Nikoleta Xydea, Archaeology-Museology MA

The exhibition is organized in collaboration with BPRarts, Art & Cultural Management, Pan Art Connections, Inc. in the United States and the kind support of the Ministry of Education and Culture.

Media Sponsor RIK and Cyprus News Agency.

Supporter Salamis Shipping Services LTD and All About Limassol.

Press Coverage

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